Just some hours ago i got a mail from facebook saying One of my friend has Shared a new link on my wall. When i checked it was link to a facebook fanpage that says ” Watch the Osama Shoot down video – Osama Dead – Censored Video Leaked ” . Its a fake Osama Bin Laden video that’s being circulated on Facebook. Its one of the very recent facebook scam which used the hottest trending topic of this days the death of Osama Bin Laden . Its also using the reference to Wikileaks to show link genuine to viewer.

By Clicking on the link you will be taken to a facebook fan page and will ask you to complete a  5 step security check before you can watch the video ( its the trap ). Completing this 5 steps will not provide you with any exclusive video but it will post same link ( scam link ) to all of you’s friends wall too, thus spreading out. It has been seen that already 60K people has been victim to this scam. This Facebook scam is a bit different as it does not ask users to fill out surveys or something , but just trying to spread around, once this gets widespread it could exploit users dangerously.

OSama scam on Facebook – Fan Page

WATCH OUT, don’t try to click on any of such link that seems suspicious to you. As a precautionary measure, always check which applications have access to your profile and try remove unwanted or suspicious ones.  Please be aware that this scam is also spreading under various other names and links including “Osama Bin Laden Execution Video”,  “Shocking NEW VIDEO of Osama Bin Ladens DEATH!!!” and lots more.

How to clean up your Facebook profile after a scam  watch this video-


So always be cautious when clicking any suspicious link on facebook and also Warn Your Friends too.

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