Digital India

Tweet complaints about Telecom and Postal sector to Government – Twitter Seva

Writing down complaints on a paper, sending across different government offices and waiting long for a resolution is a thing of past. Now just tweet your complaints against a telecom operator or India Post.

As part of the India government’s digital India initiative, the Ministry of Communications in partnership with Twitter India launched Twitter Seva. A service aimed to address the complaints and concerns of common man and other stakeholders in the telecom and postal sectors.

As a user, you can now tweet your complaints, grievances, suggestions, comments, feedback etc against any telecom operator (government operator or private operator) and postal services directly to the Minister’s Twitter handle @manojsinhabjp (still curious why they are using a personal Twitter handles instead of the department Twitter handle).

These tweets will be then classified into immediate, mid-term and long-term complaints. Which is then sent across from the Minister’s handle as open tickets to the various departments, divisions, and telecom operators. Further, various departments and telecom service providers are expected to resolve the complaints forwarded to them within a minimum period of time under this arrangement.

Twitter Seva service has assigned special hashtag for each department. One can raise a complaint directly by tweeting to the Minister’s handle or using the unique hashtag. For a complaint against a private telecom operator, you can tweet your grievances along with the hashtag #DotSeva. The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) central team will then forward the complaints to the respective telecom operator for resolution.

For complaints against government telecom operators BSNL and MTNL, one can use the unique hashtag #BsnlSeva and #MtnlSeva. This tweets will be sent to the respective telecom circle and then onwards to the respective SSA for resolution.

Similarly, for complaints against India Post, you can use Tweet with the hashtag #PostalSeva. Which will be then filtered by the Department of Posts and sent to the respective Chief Post Master General and then onwards to the corresponding Post-Master General.

How to use Twitter Seva hashtags

  • Users can tweet grievances, complaints, feedback etc directly to Minister’s Twitter handle (@manojsinhabjp) or tweet by simply using a unique hashtag.
  • For complaints against private telecom operator tweet with the hashtag – #DotSeva
  • For complaints against BSNL tweet with the hashtag – #BsnlSeva
  • For complaints against MTNL tweet with the hashtag – #MtnlSeva
  • For complaints against India Post tweet with the hashtag – #PostalSeva

Now what happens in the backend is that government in partnership with Twitter has developed a customised e-governance delivery service platform. Each department’s hashtag collects Tweets from users and then its content are analysed for classification. Which will be then sent to respective departments, divisions and telecom operators for resolution.

The initiate is a gigantic project as India has more than 1 billion mobile-phone subscribers and has the biggest postal network in the world. We hope this will bring transparent, clean and responsive and accountable administration to the telecom and postal sector.