
Transcend MP350 Digital Music Player with Fitness Tracker and Voice Recorder

Going through a tough lifestyle, more than 12 hours of sitting in front of computer, no rest and tensed minds? let’s get out of it and relax your mind. As a companion Transcend has launched a new compact digital music player, the MP350, a rugged MP3 player designed to the needs of an active lifestyle. It sports a handy fitness tracker, voice recorder capability and FM radio support.

Transcend’s MP350 digital music player is designed to be durable and water-resistant making it perfect in all-weather conditions. As to be used during exercise, the player hosts a built-in sports clip, easy-grip rubberized surface, compact size, ultra-light weight, and intuitive controls that can be operated effortlessly while on the move. It also got a OLED display with a user-friendly graphical interface that can be read even on broad daylight.

One of the main features of MP350 digital music player is the inbuilt sports functions through which users can select specific sport type and workout goal, the practical fitness tracker allows users to preset the total exercise time or the amount of calories they wish to burn. It also record the data from the total session, helping users monitor progress towards their personal targets.

It supports MP3, WMA, and WAV music formats and boasts a high signal-to-noise ratio of over 90dB to deliver superior audio output quality. It has a built-in micro USB connector making it easy to load up music files. In addition the mp3 player features a voice recorder and FM radio. Transcend’s MP350 digital music player is currently available in 8GB capacity with a market price up to Rs 2600.

SourceTranscend MP350