Indian Telecom

TRAI to hit hard on Spammy Telemarketers – will Blacklist on complained against and imposes high SMS Termination Charges

In an effort to tackle spammy telemarketers and to get rid of unsolicited calls and SMSes in the country Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has issued new regulations to further amend the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013.

With this in effect once a complained received from a user about a spammy subscriber or telemarketer, then the telecom operator shall full investigate on this matter and if valid then they have to disconnect all the telecom resources allotted to subscribe and add them to the blacklist. Once the name and address of subscribers entered into blacklist, it shall not be deleted before completion of two years from the date of entry in the respective registers. And for telemarketers no access provider shall provide any telecom resource to them, whose name appears in the blacklist and share the blacklist with all access providers.

In another TRAI regulation issued recently, which prescribes cost based SMS termination charges as 2 paise per SMS across all networks for non-commercial SMS and a termination charge of 5 paise per transactional SMS for all commercial messages. SMS termination charges are the charges which are payable by originating telecom operator to the terminating telecom operator for each SMS, terminated by it on the network of Terminating telecom operator. With this new regulation in place, it effectively resolves disputes among telecom operators on termination charges and also helps in reducing unsolicited SMSes.

This post was last modified on June 17, 2013 12:08 pm