Digital India

Pinterest Marketing: How To Convert Pinterest Visitors To Customers

Social media marketing has evolved in the past few years. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were the giants, and 87% of bloggers are very much interested in the next BIG launch. Pinterest came at the right time, just when Google+ was gaining the upper hand and rocking with rich-media contents. With Pinterest, you can easily share your favorite images and drive quality traffic.

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform, and Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Both are powerful tools to grow your business. Unfortunately, a lot of people who started out marketing on Pinterest didn’t get the full gist. Several bloggers and social media marketers are making a big mistake; they’ve got the traffic, but no conversion. How pathetic?

Pinterest Concept!

The essence of marketing on Pinterest, is to showcase (pin) the best images ever. It’s not how beautiful, but how relevant such images are to your niche. I’d be glad to offer you some advice on how to leverage the power of Pinterest to grow your blog, attract paying clients and strengthen search engine ranking.

When your pinned images are properly optimized, they can appear on search engines. A great source of free traffic, that’s keep popping in – with no extra effort from you. Knowing why Pinterest was established would help you convert its traffic into customers. Bear in mind that beautiful images may not produce the desired results, the images pinned must be connected to your blog’s subject or topic.

Have a landing page

A landing page is very important. Social media visitors are carefree people and may not have the time to read your best posts. Yes, you researched extensively, invested time to craft an epic content, but it doesn’t matter. Social media networks have made it pretty difficult for people to stick around reading a post – they would rather subscribe to download ‘something’ or simply join a restricted service which seems valuable and entertaining.

Having a landing page would help capture and convert free Pinterest Traffic, and afterwards, you can build the relationship with these people. Pinterest is actually hot and a great traffic-generator – The first day I pinned a post-image, I got 54 visitors within 24 hours. In 3 days, I recorded 120 visitors but none of these persons subscribed (oh, sorry, 15 joined my mailing list).

From the first 2 months, I’ve learned how to convert Pinterest Traffic with a unique landing page. This page doesn’t have to be lengthy, with ads on every side. Instead, make it simple; add a bait to encourage subscribers. Since the traffic is from a social media network, it means you don’t have to educate them on how to register and confirm, they’re already used to it.

Have a valuable report, a blogging tool or book as the bait. Design your optin box to soothe their taste and that’s it. Pinterest and other social media users are moved by colorful blog themes and catchy headlines. It’s very important in your landing page.

Prepare Your Blog as a Magnet

Blogging isn’t about waking up every morning and writing. It goes beyond articles and comments. It’s also a platform where you can attract and build strong relationships with targeted audience. It actually begins with helpful contents that speaks and addresses a particular issue in your niche.

That is why, you should ‘pin’ relevant images on your board. If not, you’ll send the wrong traffic to your blog, and they won’t understand your contents. The interest to read through will be absent, and this is the beginning of failure. Every post you write must hook first-time visitors, and rejuvenate interest in their minds to read further. Quality content is still king, but it’s not enough – marketing the content is equally paramount – a must for Pinterest marketers.

Pinterest Conversion Takeaway

You’ve a great marketing system at your finger tip – Pinterest!

But don’t waste the free traffic, and don’t send them to your homepage, except you’ve a well-placed opt-in box. Otherwise, redirect visitors to a landing page, capture their email address and convert them. Then, go ahead and build relationship that can last for decades – the best strategy to grow a business via social media. See you ahead!

This guest post is written by Michael Chibuzor, a creative freelance writer and blogger. 

This post was last modified on January 22, 2015 2:49 pm