
Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow – What you Need to Know

Google has finally revealed the latest and most advanced mobile operating system, Android 6.0 Marshmallow. As the name suggest the new Android is a mixture of sugar, albumen, and gelatin or say better battery performance, more control on Apps and Now on Tap – the smartest shortcut.  The new OS will come pre-installed on the latest Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P or can get an OTA update on your older Nexus 6, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 9 devices.

So let’s start with those amazing features Google worked out in Android Marshmallow:

  • Better App Permission – Begining Android Marshmallow, you can decide what permission you need to give to an App. Like say, if you don’t want the Facebook to sync your contact details, you can deny it 🙂 and still continue to use the app. You can still modify all the permissions granted to apps at a later date from your settings, or can view permissions by type and see which apps got what permission granted.
  • Google Now on Tap – Contextual Assistance everywhere without even leaving an app or on a website. One can activate Now on Tap by long-pressing the home button from anywhere. One example of a good use we found was booking a movie ticket on BookMyShow app, then using Google Now on Tap to learn more about the movies, actors and reviews, along with location details of the theater that opened up on the Google Maps.
  • Superb Battery performance – With Marshmallow Google has tried to solve the worst disadvantage with Android smartphones – Battery performance. Android Marshmallow has two new features to help improve battery life – Doze which automatically puts your smartphone to a sleep state (deep sleep) when your device is at rest and thus increasing standby battery life and App Standby, that limits the battery drain from seldom used apps.
  • Redesigned App drawer – Android Marshmallow brings an all-new App drawer which is now a one long cascade list arranged in Alphabetic order with a search bar on top. It also got an intelligent app arrangement that brings the four most used app on to the top row which changes from time to time according to your usage.
  • Auto Backup and Restore for Apps – Flashed a new ROM or changed your smartphone, till now there is a possibility of losing all your app data (especially all your effort in the Candy crush). With Android Marshmallow, Google will automatically backup app data and settings to your Google Drive (up to a size limit of 25MB) and can be restored automatically. The uploaded data does not count towards your Google Drive storage quota and is encrypted for extra security.

For more details on Android Marshmallow, you can visit the dedicated page out here.