Google +1 button

Recently Google rolled out its new plus one (+1) button globally. You must have seen +1 button appearing on Google page results as well as in new articles/websites you visit. It is a social sharing button where you can recommend a website or an article to your friends.

+1 button will be shown only for signed in users of When you +1 a web page, it will be recommended to those in your Gmail contact list. Google will find web pages +1’d by your friends as more relevant to your search queries.

You can also +1 a web page link appearing in the Google page result itself. You will find it next to the titles (links to the web pages) on the Google search results.

For webmasters

Google plus Webmaster Search Impact
Google plus Webmaster Search Impact

Google +1 button will have a big impact on its search results. Regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) perspective, Google is more likely to tweak it’s algorithm to effect the +1 changes. Google will find content recommended by a persons’ friend as more relevant to their search query, and will show them up in the search results.

Google has also released a +1 metric on its webmaster tool where you can find out the search impact it is making on your website. So you can see how the +1 button affects the traffic of your website. You can also determine the geography and demographic information about the users who +1’d your web page.

You can add the Google+ Share button right now to your articles or website and let people who love your content recommend it on Google search.  Just go here ( to generate a button style for your site.

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