
Demystifying Cell Phone Plan Jargon [Infographic]

What do you really need in a cell phone plan? Do you talk a lot? Or maybe you text. What about browsing the web while you’re on the go? Cell phone plans contain a lot of technical jargon. And a better understanding of confusing terms can help you make more informed decisions when purchasing a plan. In this infographic, we’ll break down the jargon so you can think about how, when and where your phone habits are costing you.

Terms like “coverage vs. roaming” and “long distance” have to do with your location and the location of the person you’re calling. Do you travel a lot or talk with out-of-town friends/family/colleagues? If you’re using your phone for business, you most like talk during “peak hours.” Maybe you’re like the 74% of mobile phone users and use “data” service for texting. And, of course, if you’re in the market for a smartphone, you’ve got to consider access to the “mobile web” where 40% of tweets come from and 40% of Facebook users browse their social networks.

Still sound confusing? Check out the infographic below, and let the graphics do the talking!

The 411 section of Cricket Community posts information that helps you understand various wireless plans and shares a variety of useful cell phone tips, including resources on Android smartphone apps, games, and mobile music services. Cricket Community serves as a news and educational resource provided by cell phone company, Cricket Wireless.

This post was last modified on May 3, 2013 10:09 pm