Now don’t get bored while waiting for a train, try streaming some HD movies, songs or download a book or try a new game. Google India along with its partner RailTel has rolled out the super high-speed free public WiFi service to nine more Indian railway stations across the country.

Started from India’s busiest railway station – Mumbai Central, Google free public WiFi service now available at Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Ernakulam Junction, Kacheguda, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Vijayawada and Vishakhapatnam train stations.

Passengers traveling through these train stations can now enjoy high-speed internet connectivity for free. But there would be a speed reduction over continuous usage so as to give equal opportunities to all people accessing the WiFi at the station.

Google India rolls out Public WiFi service to Nine more Railway Stations


  • Just switch on your WiFi (on a smartphone, Laptops etc) to find ‘RailWire Wi-Fi’ network and connect to the network.
  • Open your browser and enter the URL
  • There you will be asked to provide your phone number in the WiFi login screen and then click ‘Receive SMS’ (note that you will need to enter the phone number every time you try to connect to the Wi-Fi network’).
  • You will instantly get a 4-digital OTP code (one-time password) on SMS, which need to be entered on the WiFi login screen.
  • Done! you will see a checkmark and you are fully connected to Google WiFi.
How to connect to Google WiFi on Railway Stations?

Talking about, RailTel the state-owned company has built a network of fiber-optic lines which covers more than 45,000 km along most major rail tracks across the country. Google will utilize this to provide the WiFi service, where Railtel will be the ISP and Google will offer the Wireless Area Networks (WAN) across the railway platform setting up the WiFi access points.

Google in partnership with Indian Railways and RailTel, plans to bring the free public WiFi service to 90 more railway stations this year and eventually 400 train station in the coming years.

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